SorsiCorti 17th Edition
Short Films in competition
Cre.Zi. Plus | Via Paolo Gili 4 – Palermo | October 19 – 21, 2023

Baptiste Drapeau
France | 2022 | 18’23” | fiction
Questa sera, per il ballo estivo, tre amici hanno la brillante idea di “travestirsi” da pompieri per flirtare con le ragazze. Ma il loro stupido progetto prende un’altra piega quando Joseph, già a disagio sulla pista da ballo, si ritrova imbarcato suo malgrado in un intervento da vero pompiere…
This evening, for the summer ball, three friends have the brilliant idea of “dressing up” as firefighters to flirt with girls. But their stupid project takes another turn when Joseph, already uncomfortable on the dance floor, finds himself embarked despite himself in a real firefighters’ intervention…
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