April 27, 2014

2014 – VIII Edition

Winners of the Festival SorsiCorti 2014 VIII edition

The jury, composed by Dario Di BernardiGianfranco MarroneGiovanni Massa and Laura Scavuzzo, has honored as

Best short film

Wins the award for best short film Los Aviones que se caen of Mario Piredda for telling in poetic way the difficulties of who live in a complex social condition, drawing portraits of great humanity, especially that of the child played with great sensitivity and empathy by the young actor. 

Irvo award

Experimenting is a concept that unites the festival “Short Sips” with the search for innovation in wine, because both through a variety of observations. The investigator uses in fact, like the painter with the colors of his palette, the instrument of his experience, in particular what has become part of his own soul, like the ancient Greeks say. From Omero to Platone the nourishment of the soul is in fact through the experience of the world and would lead him to balance the power of the spirit, the understanding of the cycles of death and rebirth. Wine is the most widely used metaphor for this cyclicity, because every year with the spring awakening that will bring new fruit of wine.

Is “Mediterranean”, the origin of enology, from Asia Minor and Magna Grecia come many of the practices still used in the cultivation of the vineyard and in the care of the wine. Ulysses offers the “nectar of the gods” to Cyclops, seducing and then defeating it, thanks to the wine that offers him profusely, start the process of transformation from prehistoric brutality to modern civilization man.

The wine is a medium that tells stories about people and communities, closely connected to the rural culture and the environment, where the farmer uses the resources of nature, while the “metropolitan” man considers the aesthetic function of the landscape.

The wine has a long history of relationship with the thought, is given to it the power to comfort, uninhibited, inspire, transform the ordinary, necessary, in drunkenness, the ” Satyr ” flies toward a primitive beauty and devoid of gravity, as the dancer of the short film Shift of Del Mak & Patrick Ryder and choose nature as an ally of his flight, what you would like to let go in the gesture of one who picks up a cup of wine today.

For Irvo: Dario Di Bernardi 

Best Documentary short film

For the “Documentary” category wins Minerita of Raul De La Fuente for telling an harsh condition little known to us, opening a window on the theme of violence, particularly on women that transcends the specific geographic area in which the film is shooting. 

Best Animation short film

The winner in the “Animation” category is Dj Death Fails of Dimitri Voloshin for the extraordinary lightness and irony with which he plays with the causality that governs human life. 

Best VideoArt short film

For the category of “VideoArt” wins Pulse of Alvaro Gimenez Sarmiento for the formal refinement with which, while preserving the classical language with extreme rigor, telling one of the specific theme in the digital age of social relations through social networks. 

Audience Award

Wins Efimera di Diego Modino. 

Special Mention

The jury also decided to award a special mention to the short film Anna bello sguardo di Vito Palmieri for tells a story about a city through the memory of an Italian artist that depicted with great poetry: Lucio Dalla.

Makes it particularly worthwhile also to have realized the film in collaboration with a middle school.