Tribute to the Five SensesOmaggio ai Cinque Sensi

After the summer break SorsiCorti resumes its scheduling with an evening dedicated to experimental music and film. Friday, October19 from 21:00 at the event Fa’ la cosa giusta! Sicily, at Cinema De Seta in Cantieri Culturali della Zisa, SorsiCorti presents: Tribute to the Five Senses. Fa’ la cosa giusta!, a project of publishing house Terre di mezzo in Milan, was born in 2004: Leggi di più<!–:en–>Tribute to the Five Senses<!–:–><!–:it–>Omaggio ai Cinque Sensi<!–:–>[…]

2012 – VI Edition2012 – VI Edizione

After the events in preview SorsiDoc and SorsiSound dedicated to the genre of documentary and videoclip is the time to SorsiCorti, an event produced with the assistance of the Regional Tourism, Sport and Entertainment to Produce Festival Live entertainment for strengthening Audiovisual Industry. The three usual evenings of the Festival SorsiCorti give the public the Leggi di più<!–:en–>2012 – VI Edition<!–:–><!–:it–>2012 – VI Edizione<!–:–>[…]


  Waiting for thr Festival, an event dedicated to Sicilian videoclip with a brief tribute to the work that have marked the history of videoclip through new visual paths. In the first part of the evening will be presented a brief review of videoclips that have marked the history of music. In the second part Leggi di piùSorsiSound[…]


Waiting for the competition, the Festival start with two special screenings. The first appointment is SorsiDoc on thursday, april 19, at Abc Cinema in Palermo (via Emerico Amari 166). The evening opens at 19:00 with the first pubblic screening of Frenz by Gabriele Ajello (Italy 2011, 17′), at 19.30 “Loro della Munnizza” by Marco Battaglia, Leggi di piùSorsiDoc[…]

Screening of the short films winners of the 5th EditionProiezione dei corti vincitori della V edizione

An evening to review the short films winners of the SorsiCorti 5th Edition. Screening schedule: 5 Recuerdos SPAIN 2009 by Oriana Alcaine e Alejandra Márquez – Fiction – 12′ Ámár SPAIN 2010 by Isabel Herguera – Animation – 8′ Ahate Pasa SPAIN 2009 by Koldo Almandoz – Fiction – 12′ Venerdì 13 maggio 2011 alle Leggi di più<!–:en–>Screening of the short films winners of the 5th Edition<!–:–><!–:it–>Proiezione dei corti vincitori della V edizione<!–:–>[…]

2011 – V Edition2011 – V Edizione

Three evenings of quality short films and good wine. This year Piccolo Teatro Patafisico presents SorsiCorti, the short film festival now in its 5th Edition. The event will host short films from all over the world, offering a careful selection of high-quality works and a wide range of genres and filmmaking styles. After five editions Leggi di più<!–:en–>2011 – V Edition<!–:–><!–:it–>2011 – V Edizione<!–:–>[…]

2010 – IV Edition2010 – IV Edizione

Documentary, fiction and animation: these are the three sections of the festival of short films SorsiCorti, promoted by the cultural Piccolo Teatro Patafisico, which this year reaches its fourth edition. A three-day (May 28-29-30) dedicated to wine and cinema quality in the new creative space Piccolo Teatro Patafisico, with the intent to give visibility to Leggi di più<!–:en–>2010 – IV Edition<!–:–><!–:it–>2010 – IV Edizione<!–:–>[…]